Follow your heart

kay that's pretty cute :)
buttttttt, apple nicer ._.

I swear this was the best, most wonderful wedding ever!

I love see a married couple, pregnant woman or an old couple.
I always feel joyful whenever i see it.
I realised, it's just that i love to see people being happy.
I'm not sure whether it's an aftermath of my brother's marriage or what but,
i just think that it's so lovely to see them being surrounded by happiness.
I mean, isn't it great to see a couple is going to enter a new chapter of life?
Isn't it wonderful to see a tiny little heart is pounding inside the mother's womb?
Isn't it sweet to see an old couple that had went through thick and thin for so many years and still be able to hold hands and share their moment together despite the fact that the rate of divorce is increasing?
Well, sometimes world isn't too bad, right? :)

Friday, November 25, 2011 @ 12:17 AM / 0 daisies

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